5 stars type of person That Make Lazy Friendship

5 stars type of person That Make Lazy Friendship
5 stars type of person That Make Lazy Friendship

Make friends is nice thing if indeed the people we invite friends is the same person or a hobby with us, but it would be more colorful if we are friends with anyone. But even though friends with anyone is nice thing among the many types of people 5 of this type is to make a lazy if invited to friends including:

1. The grumbling
Type of people like this lazy to be invited to friends, how do not every secret that we obrolkan definitely type grumbling will tell others. The worse is usually this type like to exceed the exaggerated talk.

2. Children mami
Usually this type will always tell whatever happens on his parents, sometimes in the friends like at odds and different opinion, rather than resolve this type instead like to complain on his parents, the problem friendship must be completed between the environment friends itself should not be taken to the home. If just ask that opinion only natural, but if asked parents to intervene to complete it is for us lazy friends with this type.

3. Type of Spoiled
This type is always wanted to ask for the attention and ask for more attention more than another friend. Usually this type like to impose the will and always intending to win yourself.

4. Type of Narsis
This type is considered himself'lebih' among other friends. Worse this type of PD its exorbitant, he considers all eyes to him, but usually do not so. The nature of PD and narsisnya will come out when there is a glance, but not know the meaning of a glance of itself.

5. Type of Authoritarian
Will often eat liver Friendship with this type, how do not,, all friends and not considered partner by him but considered'pasukan' to obey what the'komandan' and unfortunately this type considers himself is the commander and the other is his troops. 5 stars type of person above is tedious to be invited to friends, friends must be with anyone, but must remain selective in choosing a friend, if not, friendship will not beautiful as envisaged.

5 Mistakes are not forgiven Women Men

5 Mistakes are not forgiven Women Men

In a relationship sometimes happens bickering that can not be avoided, this is because the mistakes made from any of the parties, both the fault of the man or of the woman, but calm bicker in the relationship is a normal thing, but for women to avoid 5 mistakes because men will not be easy forgive.

Here is a woman who is not unforgivable mistake men, including:

1. Mistakes are not forgiven the first woman to man is ~ Cheating
Avoid this mistake because the result is fatal, said the apology would be difficult to obtain from men if the women make this mistake, cheating man may still be forgiven by the women, but not to the contrary.

2. Mistakes are not forgiven the woman both men are ~ Underestimating the work of Men
Men are the main family provider later, the man that carried the burden is heavier because it deals with the continuity of a family. Anything men can do, any job that would be very offended if Women make easy. So respect the work of a man if you love her.

3. Mistakes are not forgiven the third woman is the man ~ Underestimating protection
Women will feel very comfortable when protected by men as well as men want to always keep the woman. When the woman panicked and felt unsafe when with a man even if women showed an uncomfortable feeling when with a partner then it will be a hard blow for him. They will be very offended and felt that he was underestimated, so start today and appreciate every effort to protect men.

4. Mistakes are not forgiven fourth woman a man is ~ not like their parents
Honesty is what is important. But the great mistake if a woman showed publicly and honestly that the woman did not like the parents of the man. Everyone grows longer with their parents, then the man would be very offended if you do not like their parents.

5. Mistakes are not forgiven fifth woman is a man ~ underestimate income
This error occurs when a woman asked about income men, women do occasionally alluded to the topic around her male partner income, let the man who told him first, because it would offend the man. Ok ,, ladies if you love a man, then the problem of income is not the main thing, the love remains paramount. So do not ask it.
Will be very happy if a relationship between the women and men understand each other so that no party will be offended and makes the relationship became strained, then stay away from the 5 things above so that the relationship be maintained properly.
